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1 results for 'Career & Employment Training'

Class Title Section Start • End Dates County Description Section ID Start Date End Date Instructor Name Location Building/Room Hours (CEUs) Class Meetings Enrollment Inst. Method Cost Books Registration
Job Ready Bootcamp ForkliftC23558/14 - 8/17ChathamIn this fast-paced bootcamp individuals will gain knowledge about working in an industrial setting as a forklift operator as well as prepare for their job search by learning about economic literacy, resume prep, interview skills, and the soft skill essentials for on-the-job interactions. Students will work on professional development, career exploration, goal setting and developing an action plan. If you are unemployed, underemployed, received notification of a pending layoff or justice involved, you may qualify for a tuition waiver to cover the cost of this class. This course is a prerequisite for Forklift Fundamentals OSH-3012F1. 93880August 14, 2023August 17, 2023Sorrell SaundersPMC (Pittsboro Main Campus) (opens in a new window)General Classroom & Science, room 020921.00 (2.10)n/aclosedTR-Traditional (100% face-to-face instruction)$70.00n/a

Registration for this class is closed.

1 Enrollment numbers are updated once a day and might not be accurate, contact ECD for current enrollment numbers.

last updated: Wed, September 20, 2023 @ 10:00 a.m.