Library Instruction
Course-Integrated Instruction
The Library provides course-integrated library instruction to support your students' research assignments. The sessions are delivered in-person or online at all campuses. Topics vary by subject area.
In addition to class-length sessions, instructors are welcome to request 15-minute refresher sessions in their classrooms. Refresher sessions include an overview of how to use Summon Search, the class-related Library Research Guide, and how to get help.
Instruction Feedback
The following surveys are for attendees of library instruction classes only and should be completed at the end of the training session. Instructors are encouraged to fill out the instructor feedback form and share the student feedback form with their students.
Online Librarian Program
Are you teaching an online class through Blackboard? Request an Online Librarian in your class! Your librarian will provide course-integrated research assistance and information literacy instruction to your students through a module, discussion board, announcements, and email. In addition, we can provide any assistance you request in designing assignments to promote research skills. Online librarian placements are limited, so email to secure a librarian for your class.