Helpful Information
Getting a Staff or Faculty ID

All CCCC staff and faculty are required to have an Employee ID card, which can be obtained online, at Lee or Harnett Main Campus Libraries, or the Chatham Administration Building on the Chatham Main Campus. No documentation is required during the ID-making process. If you lose your ID, you can stop by your campus card-making location to receive another for free.
Computer Lab Reservations
Faculty may use the library computer lab at the Lee and Harnett campus libraries for their students to work on course assignments, to work on library research, or to conduct group testing. The library computer lab must be scheduled in advance. Walk-ins cannot be accommodated as it is disruptive to pre-scheduled classes and/or those who are using the lab to complete their assignments.
To Reserve a Lab, call:
- Lee Library: (919) 718-7244
- Harnett Library: (910) 814-8843
- Faculty should remain with their class at all times and should maintain the quiet atmosphere of the library environment.
- Lab reservations are intended to be for occasional use only and not for continuous classes.
- Scheduled library instruction classes take first priority over other lab use.
- Food and drink are not allowed in the lab.
Note: The Lee Library computer lab is not completely enclosed. Please be aware that sound travels throughout the library and may disturb studying students unless voices are kept in low tones.
Faculty Libguides
What Is a Libguide?
A libguide is a subject-specific collection of resources curated by your library staff to support faculty in their instruction and research pursuits.
Reserve Materials
Library Reserves allow the greatest access by a large number of students to a few number of materials. Materials on Reserve are kept at the circulation desk at the Lee and Harnett campuses, and at the reference desk at the Chatham Main Campus. Instructors are welcome to put library copies, as well as personal copies, of books, DVDs, or other materials pertaining to their students' assignments on Reserve. Checkout periods for Reserve materials are set by the instructor. Check out options may include Library Use Only, Overnight, 3 Days, 1 Week, or another check-out period of your choice.