Work with us on success plans for new and current students.
At CCCC, we want every student to succeed. We can help you find the right program of study, complete your coursework, and land the right career.
Work with us on success plans for new and current students.
Get any help you may need to complete courses or assignments.
Learn more about work-based learning, internships, and job opportunities.
Life outside of the classroom shouldn’t stop you from succeeding as a student. We can help. Need food assistance? Childcare? Want to learn about campus security, report a campus incident, or learn more about the Title IX process? Everything from mental health, advocacy programs, and wellness services are available through Central Carolina Cares.
We're dedicated to ensuring you can access all the support you need to succeed—comprehensive, holistic support. We've got your back every step of the way.
Access resources and services, three locations, and dedicated library professionals.
The Office of Student Accessibility Services partners with other departments to ensure all students can access education and services at CCCC.
We’ll work with you to determine eligibility and establish appropriate educational accommodations in compliance with The Americans with Disabilities Act and its Amendments and Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act.
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