Outcomes & Assessment

The Institutional Advancement office manages and supports ongoing Outcomes & Assessment for the continuous improvement of CCCC’s programs and services. Each year the college conducts a formal planning and review process for its educational and service areas. According to an established timeline, planners assess, analyze, and report progress annually and then complete a more comprehensive reflection and review at the end of each three-year planning cycle.

Links to Compliance Assist Software

CCCC uses Compliance Assist, a content management system, for its Outcomes & Assessment process. Faculty and staff can login to Compliance Assist to access Outcomes & Assessment Plan and Report. CCCC’s accreditation document development site (login required) is available online.

Getting Started Resources

General Education Competencies

The college is committed to teaching and learning excellence. Every degree program includes a minimum of fifteen semester hours credit of general education as prescribed by the North Carolina Community College System Curriculum Standards, and CCCC believes that every degree graduate should successfully master general education competencies regardless of the degree discipline.

The general education competencies developed by the college represent the academic proficiencies believed necessary for graduates to be successful and productive employees as well as successful community citizens. 

In support of the college mission, CCCC graduates will be able to demonstrate:

  • Problem-solving skills that identify, analyze, and evaluate content and processes in order to implement effective solutions or strategies
  • Writing skills that exhibit clear, coherent topic development and proficient use of mechanics
  • Effective communication that reflects proficiency in oral presentation skills in group and/or one-on-one settings
  • Appropriate mathematical skills in collecting, analyzing, and communicating quantitative data