Order Requests

Books, DVDs, & eBooks

As faculty, you know your field better than anyone on campus. You know what types of materials your students need to complete their assignments and which resources are required for program accreditation or review. The library staff makes decisions every day about what should be added to the collection based on the student assignments we see and by analyzing the curriculum at the college. Your knowledge helps the library to not only provide materials that supplement the curriculum, but also promote the success of the students. We invite you to submit order requests for materials that support your courses and ultimately support the missions of the library and CCCC.


Many of our online databases contain full-text articles from magazines, professional journals, and newspapers. You can search NC LIVE by periodical title to find these publications. You can also email cccclib@cccc.edu to request a librarian's help with finding a particular publication or article.

Collection Review

A collection review provides insight into what materials the library has or does not have to meet your program needs. All areas of the library collection are evaluated including books, reference books, audiovisual materials, periodicals, online resources, and special collections (if applicable). Criteria for evaluation include currency of materials, collection usage, gaps in subject coverage, and appropriateness of scholastic levels. Faculty completing a collection review can recommend materials to be withdrawn and/or recommend new titles to be purchased by the library. Lead instructors and anyone completing an End of Cycle Review or a program accreditation process should review library collections.

Email cccclib@cccc.edu to begin a Collection Review and to obtain a collection report. The Library Collection Evaluation Form should be used to record Collection Review findings and be submitted to the library director upon review completion.

Collection Report

A collection report contains a list of all collection materials for your program with circulation (usage) data in Excel format. This information is useful in determining what the library owns and what needs to be updated when evaluating library collections. Please allow up to one week for a collection report to be compiled as this can take some time. Email cccclib@cccc.edu, to request a collection report. It is advisable that this report be used in conjunction with a library visit to review library materials in person and pull items to be withdrawn.