Prepare for Success

The Developmental Studies Department offers support for students who need or desire increased assistance in reading, English, and mathematics to succeed in initial college-level English and mathematics courses. Developmental Studies faculty work closely with your college-level English and mathematics faculty to ensure that you are supported academically and holistically. If you have questions about which English and mathematics courses are right for you, contact your Educational Navigator, academic advisor, or the Developmental Studies Department Chair. Together, we’ll pave the way to your academic and career success.

Flexible Schedules, Locations, and Online

Most of our courses are offered online through Distance Education. In-person classes are available at our Chatham, Harnett, and Lee campuses. Whether it's remote or traditional learning, you can choose between daytime and evening classes to fit your busy schedule.

Program Highlights

  • Developmental Studies provides students with additional support in English and mathematics courses.
  • Corequisite courses taken alongside your first English and mathematics courses, giving you assistance in these foundational courses.
  • Placement is primarily determined by your high school GPA, although we will assess test scores such as the ACT, SAT, or other placement tests, to ensure proper course placement.
  • Courses are taught in a lecture and lab format, allowing for additional instruction and practice in content that may otherwise be challenging.
  • Classes are offered during the day on the Chatham, Harnett, and Lee campuses.
  • Evening classes are offered on the Lee County campus.
  • All courses are offered through Distance Education.
  • Successful completion of the Developmental Studies courses gives students the skills and self confidence to do well in college-level coursework.

Connect with an Education Navigator

Program Contact

  • Alt text

    Dane Peterson

    Developmental Ed Program Chair
    Developmental Studies

Aprendices de Inglés (ESL)

Las clases de inglés lo pueden ayudar en la preparación académica.