Veterinary Medical Technology

Career Advancement

Once you have reached your goal of becoming an RVT, there are additional options for taking your career even further. In addition to obtaining a 4-year degree in veterinary technology and becoming a technologist, there are many academies and societies that technicians can join. These specialties often boost a technician's career advancement and salary opportunities. Academies and societies are managed and approved by NAVTA.


Technicians that join an academy receive special recognition after completing a formal process of education, training, experience, and testing. Only fully credentialed technicians are eligible to receive this designation, which is usually denoted as VTS-(specialty name), and comes after the RVT in their name.

Current Academies

Current Societies

Laboratory Animal Medicine Certifications (AALAS)

Other Certifications

Please Note:
Curriculum guides are for students enrolled during the current academic year. Students enrolled in a previous academic year should visit the Program Evaluation link in Self-Service to find the required list of courses for graduation. For assistance, consult your advisor.