
We are thrilled to have you join us at CCCC this fall as a freshman college student. Your CCP status during high school gives you a real advantage when it comes to your success as a college student.

We are here to support you!

Here's how you can walk the red carpet this summer for CCCC:

10 Steps

Please complete the following steps to ensure that you are ready to go this August:

  1. Submit Your Central Carolina Promise/K14 Interest Form

    • Where do I go? Online Interest Form.
    • What do I do? Complete the Interest Form to the best of your ability.
    • Why do I need to do this? This form lets us know that you are interested in the Promise/K14 program for this fall and allows us to help you navigate through the rest of the required steps to enroll.
    • Who can help me with this? Mary Schmid Carter at promisek14@cccc.edu or (919) 718-7542 (you can also send texts to (919) 902-5899)
  2. Complete Your MAP: Embark Assessment

    • Where do I go? MAP: Embark Assessment
    • What do I do? Read the directions and then click “Start”; answer as honestly as possible. Your results will not be binding as you prepare to select a major or register for your classes.
    • Why do I need to do this? A career inventory is designed to show you career choices that match up with your personal interests; it may help you confirm your choice of major or give you thoughts about other career possibilities. If you are unsure of what you want your major to be, this is a great place to start!
    • Who can help with this? You will review your results with your Education Navigator in your first meeting with them. If you have additional questions about completing the assessment, please contact Amy Gustavson, Assistant Director of Student Advising and Success (Chatham) at (919) 545-8013 or agustavson@cccc.edu
  3. Complete Your NC Residency Determination

    • Where do I go? Residency Determination Service (RDS) Online
    • What do I do? Click "Complete Residency Determination" and follow the directions provided. If you have a CFNC.org account, you can use the same login; if not, you’ll need to create one. Be careful and accurate when entering your information, and ask for help if you need it! By the end, you will be supplied with a 10-digit Residency Certification Number (RCN) that you will include on your admissions application (next step).
    • Why do I need to do this? The Residency Determination Services (RDS) determines whether you will pay the in-state or out-of-state tuition rate for college. It also determines if you will qualify for state grants. Your designation will apply to all UNC, NCCCS, and Independent/Private Colleges in North Carolina.
    • Who can help with this? NC RDS at rdsinfo@ncresidency.org or (844) 319-3640
  4. Submit Your Admissions Application

    • Where do I go? College Foundation of North Carolina (CFNC)
    • What do I do? Click "Apply to College" ▸ "Application Hub" ▸ "Start an Application"
    • Why do I need to do this? Although you already applied to CCCC when you enrolled in CCP during high school, your student account will essentially be "deactivated" when you graduate. Re-applying to CCCC for the fall will allow us to reactivate your account with a traditional freshman status.
    • Who can help with this? CFNC at 1-866-866-CFNC (2362), option 1, Mon-Thur 8am-6pm and Fri 8am-5pm or via CFNC's online form. You can also contact the Student Records and Registrar Office at admissions@cccc.edu, call (919) 718-7201, or visit in-person at the Lee Main Campus in Sanford.
  5. Submit Your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

    • Where do I go? FAFSA Application
    • What do I do? Complete your 2023-2024 FAFSA; you may need information from your parents/guardians. Be careful and accurate when entering your information, and ask for help if you need it! Please include CCCC’s school code to ensure that we receive your FAFSA: 005449. Your correct Social Security Number is also required on the FAFSA.
    • Why do I need to do this? The FAFSA will determine what type(s) of federal financial aid you could qualify for. Many scholarships and other types of funding require that you complete a FAFSA, even if you do not end up qualifying for federal aid. Your FAFSA must be renewed each year that you are an undergraduate college student.
    • Who can help with this? The Financial Aid Office at finaid@cccc.edu, (919) 718-7229, in-person at the Lee Main Campus in Sanford, by appointment at the Chatham Main Campus and Harnett Main Campus OR via Financial Aid's virtual office hours (Zoom). Assistance in completing your FAFSA is also available by contacting FAFSA Help.
  6. Submit any additional documents needed to complete your FAFSA

    • Where do I go? Self-Service and/or CCCC Portal
    • What do I do? Watch your Cougarmail (accessible via your CCCC Portal) closely for updates from the Financial Aid office. You can also log in to your Self-Service account and click “My Documents” in the Communications area to review the items that are needed to complete your file.
    • Why do I need to do this? Sometimes, the Financial Aid office will require additional information or documents from you in order to determine your eligibility for financial aid. You will not be eligible for many types of funding until your FAFSA and verification requirements are complete. The sooner you can get these items submitted, the better! Don’t wait!
    • Who can help with this? For Self-Service assistance, contact Keisha Petty at kpetty@cccc.edu or (919) 718-7201. For CCCC portal/Cougarmail assistance, contact the Information Technology department at ithelpdesk@cccc.edu or (919) 718-7397. For FAFSA assistance, contact Financial Aid Office at finaid@cccc.edu, (919) 718-7229, in-person at the Lee Main Campus in Sanford, by appointment at the Chatham Main Campus and Harnett Main Campus OR via Financial Aid's virtual office hours (Zoom).
  7. Submit your CCCC Foundation Scholarship application

    • Where do I go? Scholarship Application website
    • What do I do? Read all directions and then complete for the application. You can print and complete it by hand, or fill it out electronically. Your essay will need to be attached. Ask someone to write you a letter of recommendation- they should briefly talk about how awesome you are and why you would be deserving of a scholarship! The person writing your letter cannot be related to you; think of someone like a teacher, coach, neighbor, employer, etc. All scholarship materials (form, essay, and letter of recommendation) should be submitted online or emailed directly to foundationscholarship@cccc.edu for the fastest processing.
    • Why do I need to do this? By submitting this one scholarship application, you will be considered for over 200 internal scholarships at CCCC. Our Foundation will assess your fit for these scholarships and let you know if you have been selected to receive funding. If you do not submit the scholarship application, you will not be eligible for the Promise/K14 program.
    • Who can help with this? Laura Musselwhite at foundationscholarship@cccc.edu or (919) 718-7279.
  8. Register for Your Classes

    • Where do I go? Speak with our Student Onboarding & Success and/or visit Self-Service
    • What do I do? Set up an appointment to meet with an Education Navigator to get registered for classes. These folks can also help if you need to add/drop classes or make other adjustments (like changing your major or withdrawing from a class).
    • Why do I need to do this? You want to register as early as possible to ensure that you get your top choices for classes. Registration will be open through the middle of August, but classes will fill up and become unavailable as the summer progresses. Early registration is key!
    • Who can help with this? Connect with an Education Navigator virtually, by phone, or in person (evening and weekend options available!). If you have already spoken with an Education Navigator and/or your assigned Academic Advisor, you may be able to register yourself (or make changes to your schedule) via Self-Service.
  9. Submit Your Final, Official High School Transcript

    • Where do I go? College Foundation of North Carolina (CFNC) or your high school's website (usually guidance department)
    • What do I do? Send a copy of your final, official transcript electronically via CFNC or contact your high school for a paper copy. If you need to send a copy electronically, please log in to CFNC, click "Apply to College" (top of page), "Application Hub" (middle right of page), and then "Request High School Transcripts" (middle right of page).
    • Why do I need to do this? A final transcript is required in order for you to be eligible for most types of funding, including CCCC scholarships, the Pell grant, and the Promise/K14 program. If a final transcript is not submitted, you will run the risk of being ineligible for funding and/or being dropped from your classes before the start of the semester.
    • Who can help with this? The Student Records and Registrar Office at admissions@cccc.edu, call (919) 718-7201, or visit in-person at the Lee Main Campus in Sanford.
  10. Attend New Student Orientation

    • Where do I go? New Student Orientation
    • What do I do? View available New Student Orientation Sessions. Sign up for one that fits your schedule.
    • Why do I need to do this? The New Student Orientation program is a wonderful opportunity to get questions answered and get started navigating the logistics associated with starting college or transferring from one school to another. It is also an opportunity to make friends and have FUN!
    • Who can help with this? Heather Ocegueda, Student Onboarding Coordinator, at (919) 718-7502 or newstudent@cccc.edu.

Last But Not Least

Watch your texts/email for additional communication from the college!

We will periodically reach out to you with next steps, reminders, updates, etc. It is vital that you check your email, especially your Cougarmail, regularly. If you have questions or need help with any of the above steps, please contact Mary Schmid Carter by emailing promisek14@cccc.edu or by calling (919) 718-7542. Text messaging is also available at (919) 902-5899.