CCCC announces BLET graduates

SANFORD, N.C. - Fifteen individuals are among the most recent graduates of the Central Carolina Community College Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) program.

The graduates are David Ted Burleson Jr., Dylan Patrick Byrd, Erick Monroe Deal, Eric Paul Elsener, Terrence Tiant Fearrington, Jose Antonio Garcia Jr., Jonathan Tyeler Hamaker, Sebastian Lopez, Michael Steven Mestas, Brenda Plancarte - Reyes, Alan Henry Warnasch Reece, Andrew Dalton Smith, Julie Elizabeth Thomas, Adan Torres, and Austin Vardeman Vega.

A ceremony to honor the graduates was held Jan. 2 at the Dennis A. Wicker Civic & Conference Center in Sanford, N.C.

Guest speaker was Ben Wise, Lieutenant, Apex Police Department. Tracy Painter Kelly, CCCC BLET Program Director, Public Services, awarded graduation certification. Class response was by Eric Elsener. Presentation of Colors was by the Chatham County Honor Guard.

Several of the graduates were recognized for outstanding achievement during their training. They were: Fastest Police Officers Physical Abilities Test (POPAT) - Chase/ Apprehension - Alan Reece; Fastest Police Officers Physical Abilities Test (POPAT) - Rescue - Alan Reece; Jimmy Collins Award - Eric Elsener; Highest Class Average - Eric Elsener; and Highest State Exam - Alan Reece.

Class sponsors were the Broadway Police Department, Dunn Police Department, Harnett County Sheriff's Office, Lee County Sheriff's Office, NCSHP, Robbins Police Department, Sanford Police Department, and UNC Hospital Police Department.

To learn more about the Central Carolina Community College Basic Law Enforcement Training program, visit

Fifteen individuals are among the most recent graduates of the Central Carolina Community College Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) program. Kneeling, left to right: David Burleson, Dylan Byrd, Erick Deal, Eric Elsener, Terrence Fearrington, Jose Garcia, Jonathan Hamaker, and Sebastian Lopez. Standing, left to right: Michael Mestas, Brenda Plancarte, Alan Reece, Andrew Smith, Julie Thomas, Adan Torres, and Austin Vega