Friday, October 27th the Human Resources Department is hosting our quarterly Employee Wellness Event.
We want to encourage all employees to WEAR PINK. We will be “Making Strides” around each main campus to celebrate survivors, caretakers, and to raise awareness. We also encourage you to invite a loved one who is a Breast Cancer Survivor.
When: The walk begins at 1:00pm with resources available until 3:00pm
Where: Lee Campus - Welcome Center
Harnett Campus - Miriello Building
Chatham Campus- Administration Building
Why: We have partnered with the American Cancer Society to host “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer” to raise money for breast cancer awareness as well as awareness within our C.C.C.C faculty & staff.
Support: We would like to encourage you, your friends and family to sponsor your walk by partnering with the American Cancer Society. Our goal is to raise $1,000 towards Breast Cancer research. Please consider a monetary donation to save lives and fund the future of breast cancer research, patient support, and advocacy through Making Strides Against Breast Cancer!
Support Here: Team Cougar Nation