Promoting Active Learning
and Service

Faculty Information

How Can Pals Serve You?

The Service-Learning coordinator serves as a liaison between instructors, students, and placement site coordinators that provide service opportunities for students. PALS is an on-campus resource for information about faculty development and training opportunities related to service-learning teaching methods.

PALS offers the following services to faculty interested in incorporating service-learning into their curriculum:

  • Schedule and structure student orientation sessions where students will receive materials and on-line resources that include the following: an overview of the process, placement site information, forms to be completed and student expectations.
  • Recommend organizations based upon course learning objectives. Staff will consult with faculty on site selection, student orientation, reflection activities, the development of individual service opportunities and assessment/evaluation of the program.
  • Ensure students complete the necessary paperwork to be enrolled in the Service-Learning program, help the student find the proper placement (within the course objectives) and contact the organization.
  • Manage and maintain a database of participating students and provide periodic reports including hours completed and current placement sites.
  • Develop and support co-curricular and extra-curricular service activities.