College News

CCCC will host 'High Tech - High Touch' laser workshop

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01.20.2015College & CommunityCollege General

LILLINGTON - Central Carolina Community College will host a "High Tech - High Touch" laser workshop on the Harnett County Campus on Saturday, Feb. 7.

The workshop exposes students to laser and fiber optics technology in a format that is fun and informative. During the workshop, participants will do "hands-on" technology activities together with a parent or adult mentor. Current Laser and Photonics Technology students and faculty provide instruction for this event.

The workshop begins at 9 a.m. and ends at noon. All participants register as student/adult pairs. The registration fee is $10 per pair. Space is limited to 16 student/adult pairs. Register early to reserve a seat.

To register or for more information, contact CCCC Student Outreach and Recruiting Specialist Wrenn Crowe at (919) 718-7443 or email