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CCCC spring graduates celebrate big day
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Central Carolina Community College celebrated the achievements of the Class of 2023 as the school ... (more)

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The Class of 2023 graduation ceremonies had approximately 872 students -- including 344 graduates ... (more)

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During the first graduation ceremony of the day, Phillip J. Bradley (center) was awarded an honorary ... (more)

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Dr. Lisa M. Chapman, Central Carolina Community College President, speaks to graduates at the 61st ... (more)

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Katiria Delgado Acevedo of Broadway spoke to Central Carolina Community College graduates at the 9 ... (more)

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Linda Ellison of Sanford spoke to Central Carolina Community College graduates at the 9 a.m. program. ... (more)

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Christine Hart of Sanford spoke to Central Carolina Community College graduates at the 11 a.m. program. ... (more)

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Sydney Hickman of Broadway spoke to Central Carolina Community College graduates at the 11 a.m. program. ... (more)

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Tina Riley of Cameron (Associate in Applied Science in Bioprocess Technology graduate) is a Biotechnology ... (more)

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Jessica Webb of Cameron spoke to Central Carolina Community College graduates at the 2 p.m. program. ... (more)
05.12.2023 • College & Community • College General • Graduations • Students/Graduates
SANFORD, N.C. - Central Carolina Community College celebrated the achievements of the Class of 2023 as the school observed its 61st Commencement Exercises on May 11 at the Dennis A. Wicker Civic & Conference Center in Sanford.
The graduating students entered the main hall to the skirl of a bagpipe, a CCCC tradition.
CCCC President Dr. Lisa M. Chapman said in her address: "Graduation represents the culmination of the efforts of all divisions of the college along with those of our graduating students, which makes it one of the most exciting days of our academic calendar. Graduates, the trustees, administration, staff, faculty, and I want to share a heartfelt and proud 'congratulations' to each and every one of you for all you have accomplished. We are honored to join you today as we celebrate your achievements.
"Our community is proud of CCCC and it is because of how our graduates represent us that we enjoy respect for the college throughout Chatham, Harnett, Lee counties and beyond. I know you will continue that tradition and I want to thank you for how you have represented the Cougar Nation as students and how you will continue to represent us as alumni," said Dr. Chapman.
"It is an incredibly exciting time to be a part of the college family with all of the economic growth and career opportunities in our region. You have persevered through some challenging times to ensure the success of your family and our communities and you are to be commended on getting to this point -- I am so proud of you and so honored to serve as your president," said Dr. Chapman.
The Class of 2023 graduation ceremonies had approximately 872 students -- including 344 graduates from the fall -- who were expected to receive 1030 credentials (associate degrees, diplomas, and certificates). Three commencement exercises, at 9 a.m., 11 a.m., and 2 p.m., were held to accommodate the number of graduates.
Melissa Fogarty, CCCC Faculty Member of the Year, was Chief Marshal and Mace Bearer.
During the first graduation ceremony of the day, Phillip J. Bradley was awarded an honorary degree. Trustee L.W. "Bobby" Powell noted that Mr. Bradley was an original member of the CCCC Foundation Board established in 1988. "A strong supporter of the college and its mission, Phil was the founder of the CCCC Foundation Golf Classic, the Foundation's largest fundraiser annually," said Mr. Powell. "Mr. Bradley was an outstanding board member who gave of his time, talent and own monies to ensure that CCCC's students were receiving the financial assistance they needed to succeed." Mr. Bradley is only the second person to be awarded an honorary degree in the history of CCCC.
Students presenting Commencement Addresses were:
Katiria Delgado Acevedo of Broadway (Associate in Applied Science in Nursing graduate) has secured a Nurse Graduate residency at Rex Hospital and will continue her journey to become a Cardiothoracic Specialty nurse in the ICU. "Now it's time to begin the next part of our journey keeping in mind the why, keeping in mind that it is not impossible, that it is going to be hard, and that we will succeed," she said.
Linda Ellison of Sanford (Associate in Applied Science in Human Services Technology Substance Abuse graduate) works at a homeless shelter as a case worker. "My journey here at CCCC is not over yet. I am coming back to take some classes. So today is not the end for any of us - it is the beginning of a brighter future," she said.
Christine Hart of Sanford (Associate in Arts graduate) intends to transfer to Bellevue University and study Health Care Administration. "We all have our journeys that brought us to this finish line, and I want to thank you for allowing me to share mine with you today. Final life lesson - be humble and kind, laugh often, and, above all, enjoy your journey," she said.
Sydney Hickman of Broadway (Associate in Science graduate) will be attending the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to study astrophysics. "We must not balk at the challenges ahead, for they are bound to be numerous, but instead recognize them as hurdles that can be pushed through and can motivate us to continue working toward our best selves," she said.
Tina Riley of Cameron (Associate in Applied Science in Bioprocess Technology graduate) is a Biotechnology professional at Pfizer. "So what's next for us as we have achieved this important goal in our lives? Whatever comes next, one thing should be certain: never stop learning, and never think that you are at the end of your journey, for this is just another beginning," she said.
Jessica Webb of Cameron (Associate in Applied Science in Building Construction Technology graduate) is working with Southern Energy Management to help home builders build more energy efficient homes. "All of our paths will forever be changing with the world, so there will always be more to learn and strive to achieve," she said. "Always remember the world is forever changing, but its need for us is never changing!"
Presenting the graduates were Dr. Kristi Short, Vice President/Chief Academic Officer.
Conferring of Diplomas was by Julian Philpott, Chair of the CCCC Board of Trustees, at the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. ceremonies, and by George Lucier, Vice Chair of the CCCC Board of Trustees, at the 2 p.m. ceremony.
The Lee County High School JROTC Color Guard had the Presentation of Colors.
Music was provided by: Violins - Ken Hoyle, Samantha Lane; Viola - Karen Huey; Guitar - David Watson; Clarinet - Lauren Winkens; Cello - Alyson Cochrane; Vocalist - Jordan Watson; Pianist - Carol Troutman; Piper - Peter McArthur.
Providing the invocation during the ceremonies were the Rev. Judy Drye of St. Luke United Methodist Church, Pastor Bruce Petty of Trinity United Methodist Church, and Pastor Eddie Thomas of Juniper Springs Baptist Church.
Dr. Jon Matthews, CCCC Harnett Provost, presented special awards.
During the graduation exercises, students with highest academic honors were recognized. At 9 a.m., Associate Level -- Savannah Morgan Mills (Cosmetology), Allyson Nicole Tart (Cosmetology), Lindsay Anne Seitz (Medical Assisting), Faith-Renee Foster-Hutchins (Veterinary Medical Technology); Diploma Level -- Kayla Lee (Cosmetology). At 11 a.m., Associate Level - Kimberly Itzel Gabriel Dias (Associate in Arts), Valerie Hope Nunn (Associate in Arts), Kayla Olivares (Associate in Arts), Aine Carolina Sotillo (Associate in Arts and Associate in Science), Emma Katherin Whiteman (Associate in Arts), Katherine Marie Shearin (Associate in Science), Jackie Lennia Vollbracht (Associate in Science); Diploma Level - Carly Clapper (Early Childhood Education). At 2 p.m., Associate Level - Ronald A. Whilden (Broadcasting Production Technology), Matthew Allen Sutter (Information Technology), Holly Patterson (Paralegal Technology); Heather M. Taylor (Sustainable Agriculture); Diploma Level - Krisztina Polyak (Library and Information Technology).
Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society graduates were also recognized at each commencement. At 9 a.m., Kira Barringer, Gretchen Gunter, Alyssa McWhirter, Barbara Taylor, and Jerry Tyson. At 11 a.m., Trisha Arvind, Anasia Bell, Aniya Bell, Natalia Brocious, Gael Cabrera Rivera, Carly Clapper, Mamudu Cole, Vivian Collins, Makenzie Cox, Lana Farah, Olivia Felice, Kimberly Gabriel Dias, Madison Gaines, Willoh Hardy, Christine Hart, Sydney Hickman, William Isgett, Rosalba Jaimes Tapia, Chesley Johnson, Leah Jones, James Keith, Joshua Kennedy, Dylan King, Alexzondria LaMothe, Bennett Lasater, Solveig Lee, Jailene Lemus Hurtado, Colin McDaniel, Arielle McFadden, Lorrell McNeill, Charlotte Murray, Valerie Nunn, Kayla Olivares, Brandon Phillips, Ashley Ragland, Emily Smith, Aine Sotillo, Evan Stark, Jacqueline Tamayao, Mackenzie Taylor, Corey Vanderroest, Jackie Vollbracht, and Cassandra Zehner. At 2 p.m., William Fergusson, Ian Frye, Amanda Ivey, Kaila Jackson, Edward Jarquin Perez, Robin Kane, Sarah Lawter, Gage Lindley, Abigail Moller, Brooke Reberger, Austin Rigsbee, Jennifer Riley, Mariana Santillan Espino, Kyle Sides, Brianna Vandewalker, and Michaela Wilson.
Also recognized during graduation were retiring CCCC faculty members Janet Zurbach and Dave Myers.
Following each commencement exercise, family and friends gathered to take pictures of their graduate's special day.
Pictures from the commencement exercises can be downloaded at The ceremonies can be viewed at "on demand."
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