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CCCC announces BLET graduates

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Click to enlarge,  Members of the Central Carolina Community College Fall 2020-2021 Basic Law Enforcement Training Class are, left to right: Capt. Brian Estes, Amber West, Mackenzie Abbott, James Lynch, Ian Heesacker, Ramferi Valdez, and Winfield Swindell IV.

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Members of the Central Carolina Community College Fall 2020-2021 Basic Law Enforcement Training Class ... (more)

06.21.2021College & CommunityCollege GeneralGraduations Students/Graduates

SANFORD - Six individuals are among the most recent graduates of the Central Carolina Community College Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) program.

The graduates are Mackenzie Abbott of Apex, Ian Heesacker of Chapel Hill, James Lynch of Pittsboro, Winfield Swindell IV of Sanford, Ramferi Valdez of Sanford, and Amber West of Spring Lake.

A ceremony to honor the graduates was held at 6:30 p.m. May 25 at the CCCC Emergency Services Training Center in Sanford.

Several of the graduates were recognized for outstanding achievement during their training. They were: Fastest Police Officers Physical Abilities Test (POPAT) - Chase/ Apprehension - Ian Heesacker; Fastest Police Officers Physical Abilities Test (POPAT) - Rescue - Ian Heesacker; Jimmy Collins Top Gun Award - Ian Heesacker; Highest Class Average - Mackenzie Abbott; and Highest State Exam - Mackenzie Abbott.

Detective Melissa Ottaway, of the Holly Springs Police Department, was guest speaker. Class Response was by Amber West, Class Leader. Welcome was by Neil Ambrose, CCCC BLET Program Director.

Ambrose and Capt. Brian Estes of the Lee County Sheriff's Office, who is CCCC Qualified Assistant BLET night class, awarded the graduation certificates.

Class sponsors were the Broadway Police Department, Chatham County Sheriff's Office, Harnett County Sheriff's Office, and Lee County Sheriff's Office.

To learn more about the Central Carolina Community College Basic Law Enforcement Training program, visit