Jennifer Melton | |
Human Resources Coordinator, Human Resources | |
9159, Marchant Hall | 919-718-7252 |
Lee Main Campus | jmelt209@cccc.edu |
259 record(s) were found.
Abels, Lara | 919-718-7551 | History Instructor | label944@cccc.edu |
Acevedo, Michelle | 919-718-7568 | Esthetics Instructor | macevedo@cccc.edu |
Adjunct Faculty, MET | 919-718-7468 | Adjunct Instructors |
Aguirre, Rosa | 919-718-7339 | Welding Instructor | ragui601@cccc.edu |
Ahmed, Habeeba | 919-718-7373 | Mechanical Engineering Technology, Lead Instructor | hahmed@cccc.edu |
Ainsworth, John | (919) 718-7085 | Information Technology and Networking Lead Instructor | jainsworth@cccc.edu |
Aucompaugh, Maryann | 919-718-7464 | Department Chair, Business Technologies | maucompaugh@cccc.edu |
Baker, David | (919) 718-7280 | Lead, Science Instructor | dbaker@cccc.edu |
Baker, Randy | HVAC Technician | rbake272@cccc.edu |
Barnes, Tim | 919-718-7325 | Psychology Instructor | tbarnes@cccc.edu |
Bartholomew, Ginger | 919-718-7260 | Education Programs, Chair | gharr082@cccc.edu |
Beam, Leigh | 919-718-7346 | Social Sciences, Department Chair | lbbeam@cccc.edu |
Bell, Amy | 919-718-7371 | Director, TRiO Student Support Services | abell@cccc.edu |
Bell, Charles | 919-718-7306 | Welding Department Chair | cbell@cccc.edu |
Berrier, Amy | 919-718-7255 | Associate Director of Financial Aid | aberr844@cccc.edu |
Blair, Davena | (919) 718-7366 | Veterans Upward Bound Program Coordinator | dblai146@cccc.edu |
Blake, Tyler | 919-718-7541 | Campus Supervisor, Bookstore | t.blake@follett.com |
Blanchard, Jessica | 919-718-7391 | AR/CR Accountant Supervisor | jblanchard@cccc.edu |
Bogan, Annie | 919-718-7444 | Lead Administrative Specialist, Arts & STEM | aboga346@cccc.edu |
Boggs, Jimmie | 919-718-7441 | Supply Operations Coordinator | jboggs@cccc.edu |
Bowen, Sandra | 919-718-7569 | Communication Instructor | sbowen@cccc.edu |
Boyer, Thea | 919-718-7424 | Social and Human Services Department Chair | tboyer@cccc.edu |
Boykin, Donna | 919-718-7333 | Program Coordinator- TRiO Student Support Services | dboykin@cccc.edu |
Bradbury, Amy | 919-718-7465 | Veterinary Medical Technology Instructor | abradbury@cccc.edu |
Briggs, Richard | (919) 633-2004 | Men and Women Cross Country Head Coach | rbrig646@cccc.edu |
Brown, Jessica | 919-718-7438 | Biology Instructor | jbrown@cccc.edu |
Brown, Meghan | 919-718-7422 | Vice President, Advancement and Operations | mbrown@cccc.edu |
Browning, Kim | 919-718-7393 | Veterinary Medical Technology Instructor | kbrowning@cccc.edu |
Bruner, Danielle | 919-718-7357 | Coordinator of Accreditation, Enrollment, and Retention | dbrun499@cccc.edu |
Bryant, Lee | 919-718-7307 | Controller | vbrya576@cccc.edu |
Bryant, Tiffany | 919-718-7318 | Education Navigator | tbryant@cccc.edu |
Bryant, Vincent | 919-718-7486 | Purchasing Technician | vbryant@cccc.edu |
Burch, Ashley | 919-718-7294 | Education Navigator | aburch@cccc.edu |
Burgess, Megan | 919-718-7232 | Executive Director of Secondary Partnerships | mferg264@cccc.edu |
Burke, Mary | 919-718-7377 | Information Technology Instructor | mburke@cccc.edu |
Butcher, Scott | 919-718-7427 | Industrial Technologies Instructor | sbutcher@cccc.edu |
Byington, Scott | 919-718-7425 | Associate Vice President, Onboarding and Advising | sbyington@cccc.edu |
Cafe, Cougar | 919-718-7278 |
Campbell, Barbara | (919) 718-7390 | Nursing, Department Chair | bcampbell@cccc.edu |
Carpenter, Chelsie | 919-718-7443 | Biology Instructor | CCarpenter@cccc.edu |
Carrillo, Daniel | Custodian | dcarrillo@cccc.edu |
Carter, Amanda | 919-718-7515 | Director of Distance Education | acart117@cccc.edu |
Carter, Jordan | 919-718-7213 | Director, TRiO Upward Bound Programs | jmart331@cccc.edu |
Carter, Juanita | 919-718-7095 | ADN Nursing Instructor | jcart296@cccc.edu |
Castonguay, Sandra | 919-718-7331 | Information and Engineering Technologies Department Chair | scastonguay@cccc.edu |
Chapman, Dr. Lisa M. | 919-718-7246 | President | lchapman@cccc.edu |
Christman, MontE | 919-718-7495 | Executive Director of Information Technology | mchristman@cccc.edu |
Ciliberto, Craig | 919-718-7304 | Transportation Technology, Chair | cciliberto@cccc.edu |
Clark, Vicky | 919-718-7256 | CE Registrar | vclark@cccc.edu |
Coffer, Emma | 919-718-7415 | Financial Aid Advisor | ecoff715@cccc.edu |
Coore, Michelle | 919-718-7324 | Help Desk Support | mcoore@cccc.edu |
Cotten, Peggy | 919-718-7244 | Library Assistant - Circulation | pcotten@cccc.edu |
Craig, Wendy | 919-718-7489 | Administrative Assistant of Nursing | wcrai903@cccc.edu |
Crissman, Nicole | 919-718-7309 | Administrative Assistant | ncrissman@cccc.edu |
Currin, Sabrina | 919-718-7488 | Administrative Assistant | scurrin@cccc.edu |
Davin, Misty | 919-718-7267 | Education Programs Instructor | mdavin@cccc.edu |
Del Valle-Blair, Sara | 919-718-7251 | Director, Grants Performance | sdelv264@cccc.edu |
Derr, Kisha | 919-888-4502 | LEC Principal | kderr@cccc.edu |
Dillon, Jennifer | 919-718-7561 | Director, Veterans Upward Bound and Military Affiliated Initiatives | jdillon@cccc.edu |
Dilworth, Matt | 919-718-7063 | Graduation Coordinator and Records Assessment Specialist | mdilw269@cccc.edu |
Dishman, Marcie | 919-718-7491 | Associate Vice President of Marketing and External Relations | mdishman@cccc.edu |
Dorman, Kelly | 919-718-7450 | Criminal Justice Studies Department Chair | kdorman@cccc.edu |
Dowdy, Alexandra | 919-718-7338 | Director, Community Engagement and Special Projects | adowd033@cccc.edu |
Dunham, Ian | 919-718-7423 | PC Technician I | idunh189@cccc.edu |
Estes, Angie | 919-718-7233 | Veterans Affairs Coordinator | aeste980@cccc.edu |
Etchison, Carla | 919-718-7369 | Payroll Supervisor/Benefits Administrator | cparr217@cccc.edu |
Falero, Ben | 919-718-7334 | Math Instructor | bfalero@cccc.edu |
Ferguson, Jamie | 919-718-7326 | ADN Nursing Instructor | jferguson@cccc.edu |
Fincher, Pamela | 919-718-7247 | Director of Workforce Continuing Education | pfincher@cccc.edu |
Finken, Becky | 919.718.7503 | English Instructor | bfink204@cccc.edu |
Flannery, James | 919-718-7350 | Information Technology Instructor | jflannery@cccc.edu |
Francis, Julie | 919-718-7434 | Medical Sonography Clinical Coordinator | jfrancis@cccc.edu |
Freeman, Billy | 919-718-7257 | Audio and Video Production Technology Department Chair | bfreeman@cccc.edu |
Friday, Talia | 919-718-7505 | AAC & Writing Center Coordinator | tfriday@cccc.edu |
Furr, Danny | 919-718-7534 | Maintenance Supervisor | dfurr@cccc.edu |
Gault, Kaylon | (919) 718-7153 | Cosmetology Instructor | kgault@cccc.edu |
Genthe, Wade | 919-777-7761 | Assistant Director of Security | wgent662@cccc.edu |
Gibson, Kaleigh | 919-718-7296 | Education Navigator | kgibs147@cccc.edu |
Gillis, Tara | 919-718-7287 | Animal Facilities Manager | tgillis@cccc.edu |
Gilmore, Felicia | 919-718-7283 | Career Center Coordinator | fgilm620@cccc.edu |
Glover, Alonzo | Custodian | alglover@cccc.edu |
Gonzalez, Jessica | 919-718-7089 | Director of Human Resources | jgonz257@cccc.edu |
Gonzalez Rodas, Angela | 919-777-7564 | Administrative Assistant | agonz133@cccc.edu |
Goodson, Drew | 919-718-7445 | Associate VP, Financial Services/CFO | dgoodson@cccc.edu |
Gustavson, Amy | (919) 718-7527 | Title III Navigate Project Activity Director Student Support | agustavson@cccc.edu |
Haire, David | 919-718-7432 | Director of Infrastructure and Security | dhaire@cccc.edu |
Hall, Kelly | 919-718-7493 | Associate Director of Human Resources | khall172@cccc.edu |
Hall, Trudy | 919-718-7490 | Biotechnology Instructor | thall@cccc.edu |
Hammond, Robert | 919-718-7269 | Chemistry Instructor | rhammond@cccc.edu |
Hare, Emily | 919-718-7230 | Executive Director of the CCCC Foundation | ehare@cccc.edu |
Harrington, Wendy | Custodian | wharrington@cccc.edu |
Haslup, Jennifer | 919-718-7086 | Chemistry Instructor | jhaslup@cccc.edu |
Hecker, Cody | 919-718-7286 | Veterinary Medical Technology Instructor | whecker@cccc.edu |
Heller, Janice | 919-718-7478 | Systems Operation Coordinator | jkeat@cccc.edu |
Hernandez, Brandi | 919-718-7419 | Director of Purchasing | bhernandez@cccc.edu |
Hernandez, Martha | Custodian Coordinator | mhern179@cccc.edu |
Hernandez, Oscar | 919-718-7299 | YEA Juntos Coordinator | ohern032@cccc.edu |
Hernandez Luciano, Karmisha | (919) 718-7463 | VUB Assistant Programs Director | khern141@cccc.edu |
Hight, R.V. | 919-718-7265 | Director of Communications | rhight@cccc.edu |
Hoel, Anna | 919-718-7248 | Financial Aid Advisor | ahoel@cccc.edu |
Holder, Donna | Custodian | dholder@cccc.edu |
Holder, Tommy | 919-718-7367 | Chief Information Officer | tholder@cccc.edu |
Holmes, Cristy | 919-718-7225 | Dean of Arts and STEM | cholm786@cccc.edu |
Holt, Jessica | 919-718-7454 | Veterinary Medical Technology Instructor | jholt051@cccc.edu |
Horrell, Kathryn | 919-718-7278 | Lead Culinary Instructor | khorrell@cccc.edu |
Horton, Chrishinda | 919-777-7727 | Clinical Manager - Dental Programs | chorton@cccc.edu |
Hoyle, Ken | 919-718-7436 | Vice President of Student Services | khoyle@cccc.edu |
Hunt, Kelvin | 919-718-7368 | Director of Student Outreach and Recruitment | khunt@cccc.edu |
Hunt, Scott | 919-777-7715 | Director of Security | shunt@cccc.edu |
Iceman, Ashley | 919-718-7594 | Payroll/Travel Specialist | aicem843@cccc.edu |
Inquiries, General | 1186mgr@follett.com |
Jackson, Chris | 919-718-7262 | Computer-Integrated Machining Instructor | cjackson@cccc.edu |
Jackson, Cynthia | 919-888-4502 | LEC School Counselor | cjack575@cccc.edu |
Jasso, Jesse | 919-718-7506 | Director of Information Systems | jjasso@cccc.edu |
Jobe, Kelsey | 919-718-7087 | Math Instructor | KJobe@cccc.edu |
Johnson, Tyra | 919-718-7523 | ABE Instructor | tjohn752@cccc.edu |
Jones, Christy | 919-718-7227 | Administrative Specialist to Dean of Health and Professional Services | cjone716@cccc.edu |
Jones, Shawna | (919) 718-7457 | Instructor, English | sjones@cccc.edu |
Kallimanis, Audra | 919-718-7289 | Sociology Instructor | akallimanis@cccc.edu |
Kelly, Megan | 919-718-7266 | Veterinary Medical Technology, Department Chair | mkelly@cccc.edu |
Klug, Kelly | 919-718-7281 | Director of Grants Development | kklug@cccc.edu |
Knight, Lisa | 919-718-7467 | Instructional Designer/Instructor | lknight@cccc.edu |
Lackey, Thomas | 919-718-7513 | Lead Instructor, Truck Driver Training Program | tlackey@cccc.edu |
Lagunas, Elvira | Custodian | elagu555@cccc.edu |
Lariviere, Nichelle | 919-718-7222 | Assistant Financial Aid Director | nlari348@cccc.edu |
Lassen, Glenda | 919-718-7264 | A/P Purchasing Specialist | glass280@cccc.edu |
Long, Lora | 919-718-7411 | Department Chair, Math & Science | llong@cccc.edu |
Love, Aaron | 919-718-7414 | Coordinator of Student Accessibility Services | rlove170@cccc.edu |
Love, Richard | 919-718-7258 | Lead Paralegal Instructor | rlove@cccc.edu |
Lowe, Savannah | 919-718-7482 | Financial Aid Technician | slowe@cccc.edu |
Lujan, Jessica | 919-718-7310 | Education Navigator and CCR Advisor | jluja821@cccc.edu |
Maddux, Cody | 919-718-7571 | Math Instructor | cmadd948@cccc.edu |
Malenick, David "Dave" | 919-718-7351 | Social Science Instructor | dmalenick@cccc.edu |
Marsh, Abbey | 919-718-7202 | Records Assessment Specialist | amars432@cccc.edu |
Martin, Denise | 919-777-7784 | Dean of Health Sciences & Professional Services | dmartin@cccc.edu |
Mashburn, Christa | 919-718-7220 | Director of Business Services | cmashburn@cccc.edu |
McCain, Deshawn | 919-718-7471 | YouthBuild Student Success Advocate | dmcca040@cccc.edu |
McCullen, Nicholas | Custodian | nmccullen@cccc.edu |
McDougald, Brad | 919-353-7687 | Athletic Director and Mens Basketball Head Coach | bmcdo575@cccc.edu |
McElreath, Thadd | 919-718-7421 | Health and Fitness Science Department Chair | tmcel468@cccc.edu |
McGowan, Neil | 919-718-7203 | Graphic Artist & Multimedia Specialist | nmcgowan@cccc.edu |
McIver, Latasha | 919-718-7572 | Developmental Reading Instructor | lmciver@cccc.edu |
McLaurin, Darrell | 919-718-7365 | Truck Driver Training Coordinator | dmcla368@cccc.edu |
Measamer, Ronnie | 919-718-7409 | Physical Plant Manager | rmeasamer@cccc.edu |
Melton, Jennifer | 919-718-7252 | Human Resources Coordinator | jmelt209@cccc.edu |
Mendez, Jaclyn | 919-718-7221 | Veterinary Medical Technology Instructor | jmend524@cccc.edu |
Merle, Maribel | 919-718-7559 | Adult English as a Second Language Instructor | mmerl232@cccc.edu |
Miller, Crissy | 919-718-7321 | Distance Support Specialist | cmill557@cccc.edu |
Miller, Don | 919-718-7212 | Associate Dean for Academic Advising and Transfer | dmill398@cccc.edu |
Minter, Karen | 919-718-7300 | Administrative Coordinator | kminter@cccc.edu |
Minter, Regina | 919-718-7510 | Department Chair, Culinary Arts and Hospitality | rminter@cccc.edu |
Montegna, Kassie | 919-718-7433 | Audio and Video Production Technology Instructor/4CNC PEG Manager | klyles@cccc.edu |
Mummert, Gabrielle | 919-718-7078 | Student Outreach and Recruitment, CTE Coordinator | gmummert@cccc.edu |
Murchison, Tanasha | 919-718-7293 | Administrative Assistant | tmurchison@cccc.edu |
Musselwhite, Laura | 919-718-7279 | Executive Assistant to VP Student Services | lmusselwhite@cccc.edu |
Myrick, Timothy | Maintenance Technician | tmyri495@cccc.edu |
Nebolisa, Anozie | 919-718-7076 | Information Technology Programming Instructor | anebo509@cccc.edu |
Nelson, Gavin | 919-718-7058 | Records Assessment Specialist | gnels672@cccc.edu |
Nem, Christopher | 919-718-7094 | Math Instructor | cnem125@cccc.edu |
Newcomb, Chris | 919-718-7057 | Coordinator of Institutional Advancement | dnewc854@cccc.edu |
Newcomb, Sara | 919-718-7370 | Dean of Business and Applied Technologies | snewc286@cccc.edu |
Ocegueda, Heather | 919-718-7502 | Student Onboarding Coordinator | hocegueda@cccc.edu |
Oldham, Leslie | 919-718-7519 | Cosmetology Instructor | loldham@cccc.edu |
Oliver, Cris | Web Technician | coliver@cccc.edu |
Oquinn, Lisa | 919-718-7236 | Library Information Technology, Lead Instructor | loqui469@cccc.edu |
Parr, Gregg | 919-718-7093 | Biotechnology Pathway Navigator | gparr@cccc.edu |
Parrish, Chad | 919-777-7764 | Programmer | mparr279@cccc.edu |
Patterson Sloan, Kasey | (919) 718-7322 | Coordinator, Distance Education & Student Learning Support | kpatterson@cccc.edu |
Pearson, Kevin | 919-718-7386 | Dean of College Access Services/Title IX Coordinator | kpearson@cccc.edu |
Perry, Fernanda | 919-777-7783 | Dental Hygiene and Assisting Instructor | fperr451@cccc.edu |
Perry, Travis | 919-718-7352 | Director Instructional Support | travis@cccc.edu |
Peterson, Dane | 919-718-7254 | Developmental Ed Program Chair | cpeterson@cccc.edu |
Petty, Keisha | 919-718-7316 | Records Receptionist & Self Service Specialist | kpett816@cccc.edu |
Phillips, Jennifer | 919-718-7475 | Enrollment Services Coordinator | jphil316@cccc.edu |
Pickens, Lauren | 919-718-7074 | Assistant Director, YouthBuild Student Services | lpick204@cccc.edu |
Post, Brian | 919-718-7032 | Education Navigator and Juntos Advisor | bpost447@cccc.edu |
Price, Steven | 919-718-7469 | PC Technician I | sprice@cccc.edu |
Proud, Anna | 919-718-7511 | Nursing Instructor | aprou966@cccc.edu |
Provost, Margaret | 919-718-7273 | Accounting Instructor | mprov731@cccc.edu |
Rijkse, Shirley | 919-718-7446 | Business & Human Resource Management Lead Instructor | srijkse@cccc.edu |
Roberton, Margaret | 919-718-7447 | Vice President for Workforce Development/Chief of Staff | mroberton@cccc.edu |
Rouse, Jason | 919-718-7354 | Motorcycle Mechanics Lead Instructor | jrous951@cccc.edu |
Sanders, Crystal | 919-777-7791 | Dental Hygiene Instructor | csanders@cccc.edu |
Schlein, Kaitlyn | 919-718-7394 | Cosmetology Instructor | kschl494@cccc.edu |
Schmid-Carter, Mary | 919-718-7542 | College Access Coordinator | mschmid@cccc.edu |
Sessoms, Kaitlyn | 919-718-7075 | Program Coordinator, TRiO Upward Bound Programs | ksessoms@cccc.edu |
Sewell-Petty, Samantha | 919-718-7313 | Education Navigator | szamu316@cccc.edu |
Shafer III, Clyde | 919-718-7083 | Spanish Instructor | cshafer@cccc.edu |
Shannon-Mohamed, Sarah | 919-718-7479 | Director of Onboarding and New Student Programs | sshan470@cccc.edu |
Shearin, Glenn | 919-718-7343 | Computer-Integrated Machining Instructor | gshearin@cccc.edu |
Short, Kristi | 919-718-7426 | Vice President/Chief Academic Officer | kshort@cccc.edu |
Sills, Allison | 919-718-7494 | Instructional Services Librarian | asills@cccc.edu |
Silva, Jonathan | 919-718-7580 | Academic Coach, TRiO Student Support Services | jsilv795@cccc.edu |
Simmons, Austin | 919-718-7051 | Welding Instructor | asimm532@cccc.edu |
Simmons, Falecia | 919-718-7580 | Academic Coach - TRiO Student Support Services | fsimm246@cccc.edu |
Simpson, Brian | 919-718-7250 | Director of Accreditation | bsimp139@cccc.edu |
Simpson, Vivian | 919-718-7400 | Receptionist | vsimpson@cccc.edu |
Sizemore, Cliff | 919-718-7295 | Senior Buyer | csizemore@cccc.edu |
Smelser, Lisa | 919-718-7305 | Biotechnology Department Chair/BBB Grant Manager | lsmelser@cccc.edu |
Smith, Crete | 919-718-7499 | Accounts Payable Specialist | chsmith@cccc.edu |
Soto, Verenice | 919-718-7217 | AR/Budget Accountant | vsoto726@cccc.edu |
Springer, Jason | 919-718-7060 | Business Technologies Instructor | jspri031@cccc.edu |
St. Peter, Deana | 919-718-7396 | Executive Director of the Center for Organizational Excellence | dstpeter@cccc.edu |
Staton, Jr., Fred | 919-718-7562 | Associate Director, TRiO Student Support Services | fstaton@cccc.edu |
Steele, Morgan | 919-718-7538 | Director of Web and Creative Strategy | msteele@cccc.edu |
Stevens, Nathan | 919-718-7059 | Professional Development Coordinator | nstev184@cccc.edu |
Stewart, Kimberly | 919-718-7067 | Career Pathways Coordinator | kstew729@cccc.edu |
Stumpf, Bianka | 919-718-7470 | Social Sciences Lead Instructor | bstumpf@cccc.edu |
Stumpf, Ty | 919-718-7376 | Humanities, Chair | tstumpf@cccc.edu |
Sundquist, Soni | 919-777-7718 | Medical Sonography Department Chair | ssundquist@cccc.edu |
Surles, Junious | 919-718-7072 | Lead Instructor, Truck Driver Training Program | jsurles@cccc.edu |
Surratt, Alicia | 919-718-7556 | Staff Accountant | ksurr834@cccc.edu |
Talley, Deborah | 919-888-4502 | LEC Data Manager | divey@.cccc.edu |
Tate, Chesure | 919-777-7716 | Assessment & Retention Specialist | ctate@cccc.edu |
Ter Meer, Brittany | Women's Volleyball Assistant Coach |
Testa, Nick | 919-718-7528 | Lee and Harnett Early College Coordinator | ntesta@cccc.edu |
Testa, Whitney | 919-718-7484 | Developmental Math Instructor | wtest805@cccc.edu |
Thomas, Haley | 919-718-7237 | Associate Registrar | hthomas@cccc.edu |
Thomas, James | 919-777-7705 | Director, YouthBuild Student Services | jthom821@cccc.edu |
Thomas, Jessica | 919-718-7245 | Library Programming Assistant | jthom627@cccc.edu |
Thompson, Billie Jo | 919-718-7375 | Director of Learning Resources | bthompson@cccc.edu |
Thornton, Zan | 919-777-7798 | Lead Welding Instructor | zthor101@cccc.edu |
Timmons, Brianna | 919-718-7472 | Nursing Instructor | btimmons@cccc.edu |
Townsend, Breanna | 919-718-7574 | Math Instructor | btownsend@cccc.edu |
Tyson Childress, Jamie | 919-718-7239 | Dean of Enrollment/Registrar | jchildress@cccc.edu |
Vester, Gene | 919-718-7374 | Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Instructor | gvester@cccc.edu |
Villalta, Cesar | 919-718-7211 | Network Administrator | cvillalta@cccc.edu |
Wade, Adam | 919-718-7526 | Dean, Student Onboarding and Success | awade@cccc.edu |
Walker, Abby | 919-718-7332 | Assistant Director, Foundation | awalker@cccc.edu |
Walker, Robin | 919-718-7226 | Program Auditor & Assistant to VP of Student Learning | rwalker@cccc.edu |
Walser, Andrew | 919-718-7323 | English Instructor | awals532@cccc.edu |
Walton, Marti | 919-888-4502 | LEC Administrative Asst/Testing Coordinator | mwalt354@cccc.edu |
Warren, Tracy | 919-718-7417 | Lead A/C, Heating, Refrigeration and Welding Instructor | twarren@cccc.edu |
Washington, Derrick | Security Officer | dwashington@cccc.edu |
Waters, Rebekah | 919-718-7430 | TRiO Upward Bound Assistant Director of Academics | rwate142@cccc.edu |
Watson, David | 919-718-7224 | English Instructor | dwatson@cccc.edu |
Way, Crystal | 919-718-7317 | Nursing Programs Clinical Coordinator | cway795@cccc.edu |
Webb, Summerlin | 919-718-7270 | Lead Humanities Instructor (English) | slpage@cccc.edu |
Wellington, Marlon | 919-718-7259 | Associate Director of Instructional Support | mwell341@cccc.edu |
Wells, Doug | 919-718-7274 | TRiO Upward Bound Assistant Director (Career and College Readiness) | dwells@cccc.edu |
Werkheiser, Amber | 919-718-7311 | Director of Financial Aid | awerk672@cccc.edu |
Wesner, Vicky | 919-777-7782 | Dental Hygiene and Assisting. Department Chair | vwesner@cccc.edu |
West, Justin | 919-718-7358 | Welding Instructor | jwest720@cccc.edu |
Whitaker, Lorraine | 919-718-7223 | Executive Assistant to President and the Board of Trustees | lwhitaker@cccc.edu |
White, Jonathan | 919-718-7359 | General Counsel | jwhite@cccc.edu |
Wicker, Elizabeth (Liz) | 919-718-7408 | Documents and Compliance Administrator | ewicker@cccc.edu |
Wilderson, Elaine | 919-718-7062 | Library Technical Services Assistant | ewild160@cccc.edu |
Wilkins, Karen | 919-718-7240 | Public Safety Program Technician | kwilk281@cccc.edu |
Williams, Madison | 919-718-7355 | Records Assessment Specialist | mbyrd902@cccc.edu |
Wilson, Stacy | 919-718-7084 | Semiconductor Engineering Coordinator | swils670@cccc.edu |
Wimberly, Mari | 919-718-7483 | Digital Services Librarian | mwimb770@cccc.edu |
Winkens, Lauren | 919-777-7726 | Music Instructor | lwinkens@cccc.edu |
Woelfle, Cathy | 919.718.7277 | Lead Instructor, Cosmetology | cwoelfle@cccc.edu |
Womack, Wesley | 919-718-7241 | Department Chair Industrial Technologies | wwomack@cccc.edu |
Woods, Macy | 919-777-7781 | Dental Hygiene Instructor | mwood069@cccc.edu |
Yarborough, Melanie | 919-718-7400 | Receptionist | myarborough@cccc.edu |
Ziblay, Lisa | Custodian | lziblay@cccc.edu |
Ziebart, Jason | 919-718-7243 | English Instructor | jziebart@cccc.edu |
Zimmerman, Jason | Grounds Technician | jzimm022@cccc.edu |
If your information is listed incorrectly, please contact Jessica Gonzalez: jgonz257@cccc.edu.