Institutional Advancement |
919-718-7422 |
6 record(s) were found.
Brown, Meghan | 919-718-7422 | Vice President, Advancement and Operations | mbrown@cccc.edu |
Del Valle-Blair, Sara | 919-718-7251 | Director, Grants Performance | sdelv264@cccc.edu |
Dowdy, Alexandra | 919-718-7338 | Director, Community Engagement and Special Projects | adowd033@cccc.edu |
Klug, Kelly | 919-718-7281 | Director of Grants Development | kklug@cccc.edu |
Newcomb, Chris | 919-718-7057 | Coordinator of Institutional Advancement | dnewc854@cccc.edu |
Simpson, Brian | 919-718-7250 | Director of Accreditation | bsimp139@cccc.edu |
If your information is listed incorrectly, please contact Jessica Gonzalez: jgonz257@cccc.edu.