, | |
37 record(s) were found.
Beasley, Gary | 910-814-8828 | Laser & Photonics, Lead | gbeasley@cccc.edu |
Belcher, Emma | 910-814-8861 | Biology Instructor | ebelcher@cccc.edu |
Byrd, Carla | 910-814-8812 | Cosmetic Arts Instructor | cbyrd@cccc.edu |
Byrd, Pam | 910-814-8804 | Administrative Specialist, Harnett County | pbyrd201@cccc.edu |
Cash, Vanessa | STEM Tutor | vcash@cccc.edu |
Chance, Shavonda | 910-814-8849 | Criminal Justice Instructor | sguyton@cccc.edu |
Core, Marisa | 910-814-8836 | Math Instructor | mcore604@cccc.edu |
Davis, Brandon | 910-814-8806 | PC Technician I | bdavis@cccc.edu |
Farley, Joseph | HVAC Technician | jfarl083@cccc.edu |
Flatley, David | 910-814-8815 | English Instructor | dflatley@cccc.edu |
Garnett, J. Dwayne | 910-814-8865 | Associate Director of Student Onboarding and Success | jgarnett@cccc.edu |
Gonzalez-Venegas, Michael Juan | Maintenance & Grounds | jgonz787@cccc.edu |
Hall, Katie | 910-814-8805 | Harnett County Provost Executive Assistant | khall846@cccc.edu |
Harris, Kay | 910-814-8838 | Psychology Instructor | charr175@cccc.edu |
Harvey, Tiffany | 910-814-8845 | Cosmetology Instructor | tharv069@cccc.edu |
Johnson, Susan | 910-814-8871 | Department Chair, Cosmetic Arts | sjohn953@cccc.edu |
King, Elizabeth | 910-814-0416 | Instructor, Career and Academic Engagement | eking@cccc.edu |
LaVere, John | 910-814-8839 | Electronics Engineering Technology Instructor | jlavere@cccc.edu |
Lofton, Nicole | 910-814-8818 | Information Technology Instructor | nlofton@cccc.edu |
Matthews, Jon | 910-814-8801 | Provost, Harnett County | jmatthews@cccc.edu |
McLamb-Collier, Amanda | 910-814-8835 | Lead Cosmetic Arts Instructor HMC | amclamb@cccc.edu |
McLeod, David | Security Officer | dmcleod@cccc.edu |
McNeill, Chris | 910-814-8811 | Maintenance Supervisor, Harnett County | cmcne842@cccc.edu |
Miller, Faye | Custodian | jmill367@cccc.edu |
Newkirk, Della | 910-814-8967 | Instructor, Career & Academic Engagement | dnewkirk@cccc.edu |
Pearson, James | 910-814-8827 | Harnett County Lead Security Guard | jpear999@cccc.edu |
Pope, Linda | 910-814-8823 | Administrative Assistant | lpope695@cccc.edu |
Price Jr., Thomas | 910-893-9101 | Maintenance Technician | tpric732@cccc.edu |
Pugh, Tarrell | Custodian | tpugh950@cccc.edu |
Raines, April | 910-814-8851 | Education Navigator | arain613@cccc.edu |
Riley, Ashley | 910-814-8807 | English Instructor | adial775@cccc.edu |
Smith, Robin | 910-814-8825 | Harnett Cosmetology Administrative Specialist | rsmit472@cccc.edu |
Taylor, Aspen | 910-814-8840 | Student Onboarding and Success Specialist | atayl351@cccc.edu |
Varma, Nutan | 910-814-8975 | Career Pathways Coordinator | nvarma@cccc.edu |
Velazquez, Rosa | Custodian | rvela551@cccc.edu |
Weaver, Karen | Custodian Coordinator | kweav298@cccc.edu |
Woodruff, Devon | 910-814-8817 | Cosmetology Instructor | dwood718@cccc.edu |
If your information is listed incorrectly, please contact Jessica Gonzalez: jgonz257@cccc.edu.