Beatrice Matthews | |
AAC Facilitator, Academic Assistance Center Tutoring | |
202, 42 | 919-545-8029 |
Chatham Main Campus | bmatt591@cccc.edu |
38 record(s) were found.
Absher, Ronald | 919-545-8014 | Electrical Systems Technology Instructor | rabsher@cccc.edu |
Absher, Ronald | 919-545-8014 | Electrical Systems Technology Instructor | rabsher@cccc.edu |
Ashe, Phillip | 919-545-8020 | Humanities Instructor | pashe@cccc.edu |
Barnes, Robert | 919.545.8075 | History Instructor | rbarnes@cccc.edu |
Briendel, Tiffany | EARTh Center Project Manager | tbriendel@cccc.edu |
Brzozowski, Kim | 919-545-8040 | Education Navigator | kbrzo244@cccc.edu |
Burton, Kelly | 919-545-8073 | Lead Culinary Instructor Chatham | kburt194@cccc.edu |
Buxens, Begona | 919-545-8022 | Spanish Instructor | mbuxe552@cccc.edu |
Cafe, Natural Chef | 919-545-8076 |
Carr, James | 919-545-8013 | Associate Director of Student Onboarding and Success | jcarr@cccc.edu |
Christian, Keisha | 919-545-8077 | Chemistry Instructor | kchri321@cccc.edu |
Craig, Karen | 919-545-8024 | Administrative Assistant | kcrai614@cccc.edu |
Diniz, Beverly | 919-545-8011 | Chatham County Provost Executive Assistant | bdini752@cccc.edu |
Fincher, Darren | 919-545-8021 | Maintenance Supervisor - Chatham Campus | dfinc088@cccc.edu |
Franks Jr., Gary | Grounds Technicians- Chatham | gfran269@cccc.edu |
Gannon, Jeff | 919-545-8032 | Lead Instructor, Building Construction Technologies | jgann315@cccc.edu |
Gardner, Billie | Custodian | bgardner@cccc.edu |
Garner, Anthony | 919-545-8026 | Lead Electrical Systems Technology Instructor | agarn998@cccc.edu |
Goldston, Rhonda | Custodian | rgold109@cccc.edu |
Goodman, Fae | 919-545-8047 | Chatham Early College Liaison/Instructor, One Academy | fgoodman@cccc.edu |
Hall, Mark | (919) 545-8043 | Provost, Chatham County | mhall@cccc.edu |
Hampson, Josh | 919-545-8646 | Automotive Instructor | jhamp522@cccc.edu |
Heesacker, Steve | 919-545-8025 | Business Administration Instructor | dhees901@cccc.edu |
Humphrey, Anna | 919-545-8051 | Math Instructor | ahumphrey@cccc.edu |
Kennedy, Amy | 919-545-8030 | Biology Instructor | akennedy@cccc.edu |
Kohanowich, Robin | 919-545-8031 | Sustainable Farming Coordinator | rkohanowich@cccc.edu |
Lassiter, James | 919-545-8066 | Chatham Lead Security Guard | jlass260@cccc.edu |
Matthews, Beatrice | 919-545-8029 | AAC Facilitator | bmatt591@cccc.edu |
McMahan, Andrew | 919-545-8036 | EARTh Center Executive Director | amcmahan@cccc.edu |
Moose, Farrell | 919-545-8068 | Farm Manager/Instructor | fmoos752@cccc.edu |
Overcash, Kim | 919-545-8039 | English Instructor | kover953@cccc.edu |
Rixon, Kristoffer | 919-545-8067 | Sociology Instructor | krixon@cccc.edu |
Schofield, Holly | 919-545-8041 | Psychology Instructor | hschofield@cccc.edu |
Slagle, Elizabeth | EARTh Center Instructional Designer | eslagle@cccc.edu |
Song, Yunqiu | 919-545-8059 | Communication Instructor | ysong@cccc.edu |
Thomas, John | Maintenance Technician | jthom871@cccc.edu |
Vielman, Tiffany | 919-545-8000 | Administrative Assistant and Receptionist | tvielman@cccc.edu |
Whitley, Blake | 919-545-8078 | Lead Math Instructor | kwhit464@cccc.edu |
If your information is listed incorrectly, please contact Jessica Gonzalez: jgonz257@cccc.edu.