Terminology & Resources
- Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA)
- The CAA is an agreement governing transfer between the NC Community College System and the state university system that went into effect fall 1997. Under this agreement students completing Associate in Arts (A.A.) and Associate in Science (A.S.) degrees at community colleges, with grades of "C" or better, are able to transfer all 64 semester hours of credit to senior institutions, entering the university with junior status. Courses approved for transfer under the agreement have a statement to that effect in the course description in the college catalog.
- The College Foundation of North Carolina (CFNC)
- Website with comprehensive list of both public and private institutions in North Carolina. The website has created a "school profile" for each institution which gives quick facts, contact information, and even gives a clickable tab for institution specific information for transfer students.
- AA Curriculum Standard
- The Associate in Arts degree shall be granted for a planned program of study consisting of a minimum of 60 semester hours of credit (SHC) of college transfer courses. Within the degree program, the institution shall include opportunities for the achievement of competence in reading, writing, oral communication, fundamental mathematical skills, and basic computer use.
- AE Curriculum Standard
- The Associate in Engineering (AE) degree shall be granted for a planned program of study consisting of a minimum of 60 semester hours of credit (SHC) of courses. Within the degree program, the institution shall include opportunities for the achievement of competence in reading, writing, oral communication, fundamental mathematical skills, and basic computer use. The degree plan includes required general education and prerequisite courses that are acceptable to all state funded Bachelor of Engineering programs. Students who follow the degree progression plan will meet the entrance requirements at all of the North Carolina public Bachelor of Science Engineering programs. Associate in Engineering graduates may then apply to any of these programs without taking additional and sometimes duplicative courses. Admission to Engineering programs is highly competitive and admission is not guaranteed.
- AS Curriculum Standard
- The Associate in Science degree shall be granted for a planned program of study consisting of a minimum of 60 semester hours of credit (SHC) of college transfer courses. Within the degree program, the institution shall include opportunities for the achievement of competence in reading, writing, oral communication, fundamental mathematical skills, and the basic computer use.
- The University of North Carolina
- UNC is a multi-campus university composted of all 16 of North Carolina's public institutions that grant baccalaureate degrees.