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Lora Bradley

I Saw That I Could Do It, The Feeling Was Amazing

"Losing my job and going to Central Carolina Community College has been a real blessing to me..."

Lora Bradley had a good career in the textile industry - until the company closed the division she was in and sent the jobs overseas. After 30 years in textiles and almost 50 years old, she knew she had to find a new career. Lora decided to enroll with Central Carolina Community College's Human Resources Development department to update her career readiness skills.

"At first, I was intimidated because I thought I wouldn't be able to keep up with all the young people in my classes," Lora said. "The opposite happened. Now, I say that with faith, study, and hard work you can do anything. The teachers have great knowledge and wisdom, but you still have to read the book."

She earned a Career Readiness Certificate and received counseling through HRD about her career options. Lora loves helping people, so she enrolled in the college's Human Services Technology degree program. She enjoys it, is earning high grades, and looks forward to a career working with the elderly, abused women, or the developmentally disabled.

"Losing my job and going to Central Carolina Community College has been a real blessing to me," she said. "It has opened doors everywhere. The teachers are so great at helping you to achieve. When I saw that I could do it, the feeling was amazing."

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