CCCC Employee of the Month!

December Full-Time
Employee of the Month: Lydia Russell

"Lydia takes pride in her work, is dependable, and acts with integrity in the performance of her duties. She cultivates cohesive, reputable working relationships and treats everyone with fairness and respect. She is the epitome of quality customer service and is repetitively the go-to person for task-specific expertise among her divisional colleagues. She has a great attitude towards helping others thrive. Accolades of her helpfulness and pleasant demeanor are received often from internal and external stakeholders. Her glass is always full. She consistently finds the positive even in unexpected, difficult situations. Lydia is a valued part of our tri-county team and it is truly a joy to work with her."

"Lydia is the backbone of the Harnett CE office. She performs with high standards and has done so remarkably while juggling two positions over the last couple of years. Undoubtedly her consistency with task prioritization helps to manage increased responsibilities. She became an ACT/WorkKeys Test Administrator last year and manages these additional duties for Harnett County. Lydia is passionate about every facet of her role and routinely enhances project workflows."

"Lydia is steadfast in meeting the registration needs of students. Specific to Harnett County, she coordinates office functions, handles cashiering duties, coordinates Alive at 25, Defensive Driving, and Notary courses. With her proficiency in various Continuing Education operations, she also provides training for administrative assistants. These are just a few examples of her routine work all of which she performs exceptionally well. She recognized a training gap last year and recruited a bilingual adjunct to conduct driving classes in Spanish; also coordinating classes in Chatham County. Despite a heightened workload Lydia does extremely well in managing her duties. She excels in her role as Continuing Education Registration Specialist, and goes above and beyond to support the College mission. Lastly, Lydia is a troubleshooter; as she regularly receives misdirected inquiries. We all know how it feels to make an important call and be passed to numerous extensions before getting the help we need. On the receiving end one must listen patiently, and often ask probing questions, to decipher and understand the need. Lydia is that person. Though the call may not be specific to Continuing Education, she will not hesitate to find the answer, even if it means returning the call. In doing so the caller isn't passed to another person only to repeat their inquiry again and become even more frustrated. Lydia enjoys being helpful, and the caller is left with a pleasant CCCC interaction."

"Lydia is always eager to lend a hand when needs arise; adjusting accordingly to help fill a void or meet a particular need. She has helped streamline Continuing Education standard operating procedures, and reorganized the administrative office areas (including Chatham) for better functionality and frontline efficiency. Lydia enjoys opportunities for professional development and proactively seeks webinars to improve miscellaneous skills. She also consistently seeks to improve best practices and optimize productivity."

Lydia Russell

CE Registration Specialist

How long have you worked for CCCC?
I worked for CCCC for four years- -including the one year as a Federal Work Study.

What brought you to CCCC?
I came to CCCC as a student to complete my Associate's Transfer program.

Describe what you do for CCCC.
I have a very diverse set of responsibilities as the CE Registration Specialist. I assure that the Harnett CE office operates smoothly and cohesively with other campuses and departments. I register students for the ConEd classes, and several other ConEd programs such as Cosmetology, Culinary, Medical, and Public Safety. I proctor ACT/WorkKeys exams, coordinate Defensive Driving and Notary classes for the Harnett Main Campus. In addition, I am the Administrator for the ed2go program. I assist HR with new hire onboarding and many other such tasks.

Where were you born?
I was born in a German community in Georgievka, Kazakhstan.

Where did you grow up?
My parents migrated back to South Germany when I was 10 years old. The second part of my childhood was spent in Bavaria, Germany.

Where do you live now?
Being a former military family, we lived in many wonderful places all over this beautiful country, but Lillington is where we chose to settle down.

Educational credentials?
I completed my Associate's in Accounting & Finance in May of 2020, and plan to complete my Bachelor's at UNCP.

Tell us about your family!
My husband and I have been married for almost 21 years. We have two sons, Joseph 20, and David 15. I also have two younger sisters and four nephews, whom I love dearly.

What are some of your hobbies or other interests outside of CCCC?
I spend as much time as I can on a hiking trail. My family hikes every chance we get. One of my bucket list items is to tour the Grand Canyon on a horse back. I enjoy learning about the benefits of herbal tea and different ways to prepare it. I also like to sew and embroider. Giraffes bring an enormous amount of joy.

What superhero power would you most like to have?
I would like to be able to heal mental and emotional trauma.

Which actor would portray you in a movie about your life?
Sandra Bullock.

What is your favorite meal?
Anything that my mother cooks.

Anything else you'd like to share with the CCCC family?
I view challenges as an opportunity to learn about myself and to practice my creative problem-solving skills. I would like to say a big thank you to the Harnett CE Director, Pamela Fincher, and the entire ConEd team. You all are an amazing bunch.



First Day of Spring Classes


Legislative Delegation Breakfast

Central Carolina Community College President Dr. Lisa M. Chapman and college staff presented updates to area legislators during a Legislative Delegation Breakfast on Tuesday, Jan. 25, at the Dennis A. Wicker Civic & Conference Center. Attending either in person or virtually was the area legislative delegation, along with business and industry partners, area economic development officials, as well as members of the CCCC Board of Trustees and various college staff.


COVID Updates

Based on recent CDC guidelines, CCCC's COVID-19 campus exposure procedures have been updated.

You may access these procedures and more information about the College's response to COVID at

COVID tests are available from the government at


Images of presentations at Seaforth High School

Images of presentations at Seaforth High School on December 8th.


Dental Programs Offers Free Course

Each spring and fall we strive to provide a meaningful CE to our community partners, faculty, and students.

We are pleased to provide another CE that will benefit both dental and medical healthcare workers as we continue to provide quality care to our patients.

Speaker: Megan Clarke, MPH
Topic: Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, and Equity in Care
Where: Virtual - use the link in the attached flyer below
When: Tuesday, March 15
Cost: Free
Time: 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.


Capers and Coleman

This past fall I had conversations with people interested in promotions or how to take advantage of different opportunities arising at the college. I wanted to share what has helped me personally, as well as others I have shared this information with.


When I first made the move from universities to community colleges, I had a great supervisor named Candice Capers. I was hired on the same day with two other people. Capers told us on our second day that she would do everything in her power to help us get to where we wanted to go. She said we needed to do three things to help her help us.

  1. Do your job and do it well. Students and colleagues depend on us to perform. If you are not doing your job, why would someone want to give you any additional opportunities?
  2. Be nice. You never know who you might end up working for or who might end up working for you. In addition, you never know what battles someone is fighting. Be kind whenever possible.
  3. Get involved. Good things happen when you do your job. Greater things happen when you go beyond what is asked. Seek out how you can be of service to others and I GUARANTEE it will come back to you in some capacity.

Capers assured us that if we could follow these three things we would get to where we wanted to be. This strategy has greatly enhanced my opportunities. I hope it will do the same for you.

Coleman (1996)

P.I.E. theory states in order for you to move upward and onward in your career, you have to concentrate your energy on three things. P.I.E. is an acronym that stands for performance, image, and exposure.

  • Performance - This accounts for 10% of the pie. It is still important as not too many folks ever move ahead if they can’t do the job assigned to them.
  • Image - This accounts for 30% of the pie. Do your mannerisms and personality project confidence? Does your outward appearance, dress and hygiene show that you are the person people should go to for answers? There is an old adage that says you should always dress for the job you want, not the one you have.
  • Exposure - This accounts for 60% of the pie. You can do your job well and you can look the part, but none of that matters if people don’t like being around you or don’t know what you are capable of. This requires you to navigate the tricky space of being your own biggest cheerleader and avoiding being labeled a braggart. If others don’t know what you can do, and don’t care to find out because of your personality, your professional journey can be quite tumultuous.

Coleman shares that you have to do all three of these to move up. You can’t complete one or two and expect sustainable results.

Whether you are interested in advancement or just how to better support others, I hope this information is beneficial. If you have any questions or want additional resources, please contact me, Jairo McMican, at


New Financial Wellness Fact Sheets

Central Carolina Community College is one of the 24 award recipients tasked to establish or improve public employee financial wellness programs.

HR has been working to develop, implement, and evaluate new initiatives. Read more including the Central Carolina Community College Fact Sheet.


Student Activities

First Day of School Success

With help from our awesome campus partners at the Chatham Academic Assistance Center, Veterans Upward Bound, Harnett Student Services, and the Promise/K14 Program, we were able to welcome back our students with coffee, Bojangles biscuits, and First Day of School photos! Check out the picture below to see if you recognize some folks!

Calling All Student Leadership Enthusiasts

Calling all who are interested in student leadership! As the Advisor for the Student Ambassadors program and the soon-to-be-formed Student Government Association, I am looking for help in crafting an online, mostly asynchronous leadership training for both groups. If you would be interested in the content ideation, creation, or implementation of these programs, please email Katy Jones at

We Have an Ambassador for That!

Our Student Ambassadors need hours for the Spring semester!

Services provided by the Ambassadors include:

  • Assisting with high school student campus visits
  • Serving as a guide for individuals and groups touring the campus
  • Hosting campus activities
  • Recruiting students
  • Speaking to community groups and agencies
  • Assisting with Foundation activities
  • Assisting with registration, graduation, and orientation
  • Assisting with student activities
  • And more!

If you are planning an activity or event and would like Student Ambassador help, please visit the website at to submit a request!

Upcoming February Programs

All February programs will be uploaded into the College Activities Calendar by Jan. 28, but to give you a tantalizing taste of what is to come...February will feature:

  • 4 Black History Month Virtual Trivia Events
  • 2 Black History Month Movie Nights
  • Valentine's Day Treats and Crafts
  • Snacks on the Go - Childhood Treats Edition
  • Random Acts of Kindness Day

If you have an event coming up that you would like help with, please reach out to Katy Jones.


Check Request Form

Per our auditors request, and approved by the Foundation Board of Directors at the January 2022 quarterly board meeting:

All check requests and purchases with the Foundation credit card must be attached to the Check Request Form. In addition, each request form requires two signatures of approval and must be obtained prior to sending to the Foundation for processing. Please let Abby Walker know if you have any questions. As always, thank you for all you do!


Red Clay Review Cover

Red Clay Review

The 2021 issue of Red Clay Review is available for your reading enjoyment. Download the complete issue of the Red Clay Review or view online at Red Clay Review.

The Red Clay Review is calling for writing and visual art submissions. Visit the Red Clay Review website for complete information!


The Preacher and the Paperboy by Nick Sweet

At the Church of New Beginnings
Where God's Love Never Dies
The sermon's extra innings
Were received with half-closed eyes
When he heard the snoring
The preacher tapped the pulpit
He couldn't keep ignoring
The weary, youthful culprit

Soon he spied the paperboy
Who threw the Morning News
And kindly said," Let him enjoy
His solemn, Sunday snooze"
He knew the kid's alarm clock
Rang each day at 4 a.m.
The hour's darkness couldn't block
The youngster's void within

His father was a photograph
His mom, a 'last call' lovely
"Jezebel" and "trailer trash"
Town folk muttered smugly
Barroom booze was choking her
As surely as a ligature
Erasing her and soaking her
The boy would forge her signature

He always brought his mother's bills
And checkbook after service
The preacher coached his copy skills
At first it made him nervous
He knew that falsifying names
Was blatantly unlawful
Realized, despite his claims,
The kid's home life was awful

There could be no denial
As his mother grew more errant
That parent needed child
More than child needed parent.
Together they would sign her checks
For groceries and utilities
Their Sunday sessions would reflect
The lad's unique abilities

Precocious for a 12-year-old
He understood subsistence
"Daily bread" for his household
Relied on his persistence
The reverend would slip him cash
Two Ben Franklins weekly
In time, he did so unabashed
The boy accepted meekly

The man ignored authorities
Never called Child Welfare
The kid was his priority
He offered a farewell prayer
"Father, please protect him"
As the lad left on his bike
"Strengthen and direct him
With Your loving, guiding light

As for me, I humbly hope
I'm on a righteous mission
To help the boy succeed and cope
Accept my deep contrition
And forgive me if I'm sinning
With fraudulence and lies"
At the Church of New Beginnings
Where God's Love Never Dies



Thank you

Thank you from Lisa Brown
Thank you CCCC family for the love, support, and expressions of sympathy shown to my family during the loss of my father-in-law. The flowers, cards, texts, and condolences were much appreciated. Your thoughtfulness and kindness will always be remembered. ~ Lisa

Thank you from Penny Shoun
My family and I would like to thank everyone for the cards, texts and words of encouragement during this time of loss. Your words of sympathy brought a light of sunshine in our hearts. Again, thank you very much. ~ Penny

Thank you from Jamie Childress
Dearest CCCC Family,
I want to thank all of you for your kindness, love and support during my time of grief when we lost "Pops." The concern you showed for me through your thoughtfulness and all the cards, texts and emails warmed my heart during a difficult time. I appreciate each of you. Many thanks ~ Jamie

Thank you from Tammie Quick
Thank you for all the expressions of sympathy and care that my family and I received upon the passing of my stepmother. I'm very grateful to be part of an organization that truly values family. ~ Tammie

Thank you from Erika Parker
Dear CCCC Family,
Thank you so much for the love, kindness, and support you have shown me during the loss of my mother. The flowers, cards, condolences, and food have been so appreciated. It means so much to me to have such a supportive work-family and to work somewhere where we care for each other as we do. Thank you for everything! With Gratitude, ~ Erika Parker and the Family of Miriam Riddle Stewart.



1/31 Faye Miller
2/1 Latoya Brower
2/1 Kathy Sheffield
2/2 Carol Johnson
2/2 Justin West
2/3 Jessica Gonzalez
2/3 Karen Sasser
2/5 Vicky Clark
2/5 Leslie Matthews
2/6 John Lavere
2/11 Kelly Klug
2/13 Lindsay Tipton
2/14 Gary Beasley
2/14 Barbara Campbell
2/14 Kaleigh Gibson
2/15 Kevin Carter
2/15 Haley Thomas
2/16 Julia Herbon
2/17 Robin Smith
2/19 Keisha Christian
2/19 Charles Guin
2/22 Zeickia Ledwell
2/24 Janice Heller
2/25 Heather McKenzie
2/26 Regina Minter
2/27 Sylvester King
2/28 Lisa Matthews
2/28 Chesure Tate
2/28 Lauren Winkens
2/29 David Malenick

If you would prefer not to be listed or if your name does not appear as you'd like, please email and let us know.


News From The CCCC Family

Please keep Libby T. Bogg's family in your thoughts and prayers. Libby passed away on Saturday, Jan. 22. She worked for CCCC for 32 years before retiring and was a true asset to the college family. She will be greatly missed. Visit Smith Funeral Home to share condolences.

Please keep Joseph Farley, Maintenance Technician in Harnett County, and his family in your prayers. His father, Clayton "Jay" Farley, passed away on Jan. 10.

Please keep Penny Shoun, Chief Assessment Examiner, and her family in your prayers. Her father, Lewis "Dean" Meldin, passed away on Dec. 22.

Please keep Alyce Gaines, retired Purchasing Technician for CCCC, and family in your prayers. Her son, Rodney Gaines, passed away on Dec. 14. Visit Rogers-Pickard Funeral Home to share your condolences.

Please keep Susan Macklin, Program Director of Emergency Medical Services, and her family in your prayers. Her stepfather, Verle Lee Kuiken, passed away on Dec. 13. Visit Rentschler Family Mortuaries to share your condolences.



Things Wanted, For Sale, or For Free!

Pottery Barn coffee table for sale. Purchased brand new in Spring 2017. Rustic reclaimed wood style. Good condition. Email Erynn Stainback at for more pictures and measurements. $200.

What a great time of year to sell some things! CCCC-Bay is happy to post your items in Cougar Bytes! Send an email (photos would be great) to Marketing at and we will feature in next month's publication.



Cougar Pets News

Cougar Pets is a local animal rescue group housed on the Lee Main Campus. As part of the Veterinary Medical Technology program, our animals help teach veterinary technician students essential skills that will help future animals. All of the animals are rescued from shelters, and all are adoptable.

Meet Al

Cougar Pets

My name is Al. I am a handsome younger male that loves to be loved on! I am very energetic and love chasing toys. I do enjoy playing a lot, but I also know how to show affection! Sometimes when I show affection, it means I want you to feed me some treats. I cannot wait to find a home that will love and spoil me!


Meet Tater Tot
Cougar Pets

Hiya! I’m Tater Tot the terrific terrier mix. I am the smallest, brightest star and boy do I love to shine! My super superpower is the more pets I get, the faster I become. When I’m not zooming around at the speed of light, I am a charmer that enjoys the timeless thing in life: tug-of-war toys and stealing your heart. There’s never a dull moment when I’m around! Can’t wait to meet you!

Tator Tot

All adoptable dogs and cats are spayed/neutered, microchipped, and up-to-date on all vaccines. They have had regular dental cleanings, blood work, and physical exams. We pride ourselves on the care that our cats and dogs receive during their stay. Contact us at for more information on our colony dogs and available cats.



Contribute to Cougar Bytes

Send along your Cougar Bytes contributions! Our monthly Cougar Bytes newsletter focuses on staff and faculty. We welcome your images of the campuses, staff and faculty successes, events, and shout-outs in each issue. Please submit your contributions to with any questions or suggestions.

The deadline for contributions is Feb. 23 for the February issue. Upcoming issues for 2022:

  • Feb. 25
  • March 25
  • April 22
  • May 27
  • June 24


The next issue of COUGAR BYTES will be published on Friday, Feb. 25, 2022.

Flashback to Cougar Bytes January 2010.