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M.A.P.: My Academic Pathway Newsletter

Student Spotlight

  • Question: What is your name?

    Answer: Asia Bynum

  • Question: What is your Program of Study?

    Answer: Medical Office Administration

  • Question: Who is your Academic Advisor?

    Answer: Maryann Aucompaugh

  • Question: What are your career goals?

    Answer: I plan to attend Central Carolina for a two year degree but taking miniature steps. I plan to get my certificate first, my certification first, work in my field of study which is Medical Billing and Coding. Then I plan to continue to go to school to finish up my two year degree, so that I can have the experience as well as the degree and actually go full head on into the field.

  • Question: How long have you been at CCCC?

    Answer: This is my third semester, my second year.

  • Question: Tell me about your experience with you Academic Advisor, the QEP, and how they have helped you with your program major and overall with stirring your career-wise?

    Answer: Well, being here when I have my advising session, Mrs. MaryAnn, first of all she took the time to learn my learning style as far as what I am strong at and weak at, to try to stir my strengths with my weaknesses to where I can make it through the whole semester. She's offered me tutoring sessions, let me know which resources I have available as far as the Writing Center, and things of that nature, child care, transportation, financial aid. So she has been a big help.

  • Question: What made you choose Medical Office Administration as a major?

    Answer: I tried Medical Assisting first and that was basically like a CNA with a degree and I didn't want to do the hands on part as far as with the patients. I wanted to do more of the office work instead of doing the hard labor so she advised me to do the coding part of it.

  • Question: When did you change your major? How many semesters were you in before you changed?

    Answer: After two semesters

  • Question: Have you been happy since you made the change?

    Answer: Yes

  • Question: Do you feel like your current major fits you more?

    Answer: Yes

  • Question: Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

    Answer: As a medical billing and coder but maybe also like a larger aspect of the profession. I do plan on going to a four year college from CCCC. So you can say a Medical Billing and Coding Director or working for a big hospital like UNC, DUKE, and things of that nature.

  • Question: When you initially came to CCCC why did you choose the major you chose?

    Answer: Because I have a lot of CNAs in my family, and then they went from CNA to Nursing and my family is big into the medical field.

  • Question: What do you feel CCCC could have done or what changes have you seen that CCCC does currently that you could have benefited from when you first began?

    Answer: Basically the Advising. As far as when students feel like giving up or failing a class, I think that we should push Advising more as a college, that there is someone out there to help you so you won't give up.

  • Question: During your initial advising conversations would you have prefer a different advising approach or do you feel that you benefit more from your experiences with learning that your previous major needed to change?

    Answer: I think it was better for me to go through the process of getting to where I am now because it allowed me to know the resources available to me.

  • Question: When do you feel this new advising your received should be offered to new students?

    Answer: At registration. A deeper conversation rather than saying, what do you want to do or these are the classes you need. I think the student should be allowed to know depending on what they want to do the classes they should take and here is the help that you are provided whether you use it or not

By the Numbers

348 out
Fall 2018 QEP cohort students completed the Embark Career Interest Inventory Assessment.

61% Of the students that completed the Embark Assessment, 61% of students enrolled in a program that matched their RIASEC score.

Advising Resources

Foundations of Advising Course - Now Enrolling for January 2019!

Research has shown that one of the best ways to offer quality advising to students is to provide initial and ongoing opportunities for advisors to develop their advising skills. Want a great way to learn more about our students, the college, and your advising talents? Take CCCC's Foundations of Advising course, offered on Blackboard each semester.

The course is self-paced and will expose you to a whole host of resources and opportunities to think about your advising skills and philosophy. You have the entire semester to complete it, it counts for your entire professional development requirement, and is guaranteed to help you better serve students. More than 80 faculty and staff have completed it so far --- are you next?

Interested? E-mail Scott Byington ( and he will enroll you in the next round of the course which will start in late January.

New M.A.P. advising links are now available via the CCCC Intranet! Access them by going to to the CCCC Intranet, then Helpful Files by Department, and click on M.A.P.: My Academic Pathway. Links include:

MAP Team Reports

ACA Team

The ACA Team is revising ACA 122 and merging ACA 115 content into the course for a Spring 2019 rollout. Using Spring 2019 feedback, the course will be further refined for Fall 2019. One of M.A.P.'s initiatives is to make sure that ACA 122 is fully supporting students by providing them a foundation for college success, by helping them determine or affirm career options, and to prepare students for the possibility of transfer if their plans include it.

Admissions Team

The Admissions Team assisted in the creation of Program Information Sheets for every academic program at CCCC. The sheets include a program overview, key industry information, RIASEC code, and additional program information. The Program Information Sheets are being revised to include continuing education options. The Admissions Spring 2019 Entry Form was reviewed and revised to better capture new student information.

Advising Team

The Advising Team is revising the Foundations of Advising course based on advisor feedback in Spring 2019. The current course will be split into one course for new advisors and a second course for established advisors. The revised advising courses will be piloted in Summer 2019 and go live in Fall 2019.

Assessment Team

The Assessment Team establishes assessment baselines and analyzes data. In Fall 2018, 567 students were identified as a part of the Fall 2018 M.A.P. cohort. To be included, students must be first time, full time college students. The Assessment Team also analyzed the Fall 2018 M.A.P cohort's Embark: Career Assessment responses. Of the 348 students that completed the Embark: Career Assessment, 61% of students enrolled in a program that matched their RIASEC scores. Based on analyzing results and disaggregating data for those who did not have a program of student that matched, the assessment team and QEP leadership team is discussing possible updates to the RIASEC coding.

Success Council

The Success Council's December meeting will focus on reviewing the QEP initiatives and assessment data to date. This meeting will take place in the video conferencing room and include students from each campus. The Success Council's role is to serve as an advisory committee to the QEP teams with a grassroots, round-table approach to capture candid and valuable feedback. Membership includes representatives from each academic and service department, Faculty Association President, and student representatives.

Trivia Contest

Using resources on the M.A.P. website, correctly answer the questions below by January 15, 2019 and you'll be entered into a drawing for one of two M.A.P. shirts! Winners (and correct answers) will be shared in next semester's newsletter! Email Amy Gustavson with your answers!

  1. What's a QEP?
  2. What are the three main goals of M.A.P.: My Academic Pathway?
  3. Name two M.A.P. outcomes.


Interested in helping with M.A.P.? Want to learn more?

Amy Gustavson QEP Coordinator,
Success Coach
(919) 718-7527