Timarie Franco | |
Career Coach, Seaforth High School , Secondary Partnerships | |
Extension: 34224, | 919-816-2942 |
Seaforth High School | tfran108@cccc.edu |
12 record(s) were found.
Autry, Tracy | 910-897-8123 | Career Coach, Lead Triton High School and Star Academy and Harnett Virtual | tautry@cccc.edu |
Babb, Jennifer | 919-718-2400 | Career Coach, Southern Lee High School, Bragg Street | jbabb312@cccc.edu |
Burgess, Megan | 919-718-7232 | Executive Director of Secondary Partnerships | mferg264@cccc.edu |
Franco, Timarie | 919-816-2942 | Career Coach, Seaforth High School | tfran108@cccc.edu |
Goins, Deanna | 919-499-5113 | Career Coach, Western Harnett | dgoin675@cccc.edu |
Goodman, Fae | 919-545-8047 | Chatham Early College Liaison/Instructor, One Academy | fgoodman@cccc.edu |
Hammonds, April | 919-742-2916 | Career Coach, Jordan Matthews, Chatham Charter | ahammonds@cccc.edu |
Lane, Samantha | 910-436-1436 | Career Coach, Overhills High School and Out of Service Area | slane774@cccc.edu |
McKenzie, Heather | 919-776-7541 | Career Coach, Lee County High School, Ascend Leadership | hmcke851@cccc.edu |
Testa, Nick | 919-718-7528 | Lee and Harnett Early College Coordinator | ntesta@cccc.edu |
Thomas, Ben | 919-639-6161 | Career Coach, Harnett Central High School, Private Schools | bthom697@cccc.edu |
Turner, Kristin | Career Coach, Chatham Central and Northwood | kturn419@cccc.edu |
If your information is listed incorrectly, please contact Jessica Gonzalez: jgonz257@cccc.edu.