
Training Opportunities

  • There are currently no upcoming trainings.

Trustee Duties & Responsibilities

  • Appoint, evaluate, advise, and, if necessary, terminate the President.
  • Participate in the development and revision of the College's "Statement of Purpose."
  • Participate in the establishment of goals for the College consistent with the College's "Statement of Purpose" and the state priorities.
  • Create general policies that provide guidance for the President and staff as they pursue the role and mission, and which define benefits for College personnel and protect their due process rights.
  • Ensure that the College has in place an effective system for planning and evaluation that uses results of evaluation to improve the College.
  • Ensure that the College assets are well managed.
  • Secure adequate financial resources to support the College's goals.
  • Establish and terminate educational programs of the College based upon thorough documentation of need for new programs, and performance data regarding existing curriculums.
  • Function as ambassadors for the College to the community and serve as a channel for information from the community to the College President.
  • Buffer the College from undue external pressures.
  • Serve as a court of appeal for aggrieved employees and/or students.
  • Support the College's Foundation.
  • Be informed. Ask the right questions. Know issues facing the College and the Community College system.
  • Be professionally involved in NCACCT and ACCT.

Code of Ethics For Community College Trustees

As a trustee and keeper of the public trust, I will:

  • Become knowledgeable so that I can execute my duties and carry out my responsibilities in a creditable manner.
  • Place high priority on attendance and punctuality at all board meetings.
  • Cooperate with fellow board members and respect their differences of opinion.
  • Vote my honest conviction on all issues based on fact and concern for all persons affected rather than on personal bias or political or other outside pressure.
  • Support all policy votes of the board regardless of how I voted.
  • Remember that the president, board chairman or the board as a whole are the only official spokespersons for the institution.
  • Support the president as chief administrative officer of the institution.
  • Direct to the president all complaints or criticisms brought to me about either the institution or the president.
  • Resist the temptation to use my position for personal gain.
  • Place as high a priority on the educational programs of the institution as I do on the business of college operation.
  • Function as a policy-maker and not an administrator of the institution.
  • Understand and abide by the Open Meetings Law by encouraging attendance of interested citizens, organizations, and the media when current institution operations and future plans are being discussed.
  • Solicit support of county commissioners, legislators and private companies in obtaining funds for the operation and maintenance of the institution.
  • Support the state and national community college trustees associations.
  • Strive constantly toward ideal conditions for the most effective board service.